This series of videos is based on Chapter 1 of the book, Introduction to Carbon Capture and Sequestration by B. Smit, J. R. Reimer, C. M. Oldenburg, and I. C. Bourg (Imperial College Press, London, 2014). This chapter can be downloaded from the publisher free of charge here.
The lectures are a set of videos that can be found on YouTube. A pdf of the slides can be found here. A playlist with all video is here:
The first video is a short introduction
The remainder of the lecture is organized in three parts.
The first part is a discussion on energy usage:
- The current energy usage, in this lecture we discuss how much energy we currently use. As an example, we look at a coal fired power plant and compute the CO2 emissions and how much coal such a plant uses.
- The past energy usage, in this lecture we discuss which form of energy was used in the past.
- The future energy usage, in this lecture we discuss how much energy we will consume in the future.
The second part is about future CO2 emissions in which we discuss what the consequences are for our increasing energy demand for future CO2 emission.
The third and final part is what to do about these emissions. How can we curb the CO2 emissions without disrupting the economy?